Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Last Day of Class

Today was out last real day of class. We decided to take the final exam on our actual last day instead of taking it over finals week. We came to class and got everything we need to know for the test and then that was it. I finished my Deconstruction ad already so I got to leave early.

Friday, December 7, 2007

Deconstruction Ad

For the final ad, I decide on using the animation that breaks apart and comes back together. Instead of just stopping at that, I added a little something extra. Once the ad breaks apart. It comes back together in the end. There is an extra step included. It will still run on a loop, but it is more interesting than just coming together and separating again. The site would not let me upload the animation. Instead, I have uploaded a picture of the original advertisement.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Deconstruction Ad

On Friday, I created a second animation with my advertisement. Now I have to decide which one is better. I need to figure out which ad fulfills all the parts of the assignment. In class, I used layers and separated the text and boot. For the second ad, I made the text and boot come together by spinning from opposite corners. Next, I reversed it and made them spin out. Lastly, the two images glide along and come together in the middle. The Sunsilk bottle also appears in the lower right hand corner. I cannot decide which ad I like better. I don't know if I should use the ad that spins the entire time, or the ad that spins and glides. Well, I will decide by tomorrow morning when I upload my ad in class.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Deconstruction Ad

For the second day in class working on our project I decided on an ad. I am going to use a Sunsilk ad. It is an Anti-Frizz ad. It is a picture of the stiletto boot. Inside the boot reads "My frizz is so wild even a dominatrix couldn't tame it." At the bottom of the ad is a little anti-frizz Sunsilk bottle. First, I separated the text and the boot and then made them each movie clips. Next, I made the bottle its own movie clip. I put all three movie clips together and motion tweened them. The boot and text spin clockwise and the bottle spins counter clockwise. They spin at different times, and then come together and then at the end, they explode. It came out well for my first time. I do not know how to do a lot on Flash though. I do not know how to do the shape tween. Once I learn how to do more on Flash, hopefully my ad will get better.