Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Pixel Art Icons

For my pixel art icons, I chose a Halloween theme. I thought it would be fun since fall is starting and we are not too far away from Halloween. I chose the candy corn to represent the actual candy and trick or treating. Everyone has candy corn around Halloween. I do not even like it that much but I will still have a little. I chose a ghost for the spooky factor of Halloween, and I chose the pumpkin because everyone has to have one of those for this holiday. I liked using Photoshop for this project, even though it was a little difficult at times. I started out using Gimp and then I moved over to Photoshop.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Unseen Media-Junk Mail

I check my email all the time, and almost each time I check it I have junk mail. I do not know how it is sent to me, because most of the time it is not even addressed to me. In addition, when I subscribe for something online junk email always comes along with it. I will then unsubscribe to the emails, but they still somehow keep coming. What is the purpose of junk emails? They are sent to everyone, yet no one responds to them.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

"This Is Not A Pipe"

While reading chapter 1, the representation section stood out to me. I thought it was interesting reading about Rene Magritte, The Treachery of Images. If I looked at the painting, I would see a pipe. I would say this is a pipe. I would not think anything about representation or the painting being a representation of a pipe. I like how the artist adds text to the painting saying, “This is not a pipe.” As the text says, it is not a pipe itself; it is a representation of a pipe. It shows the relationship between words and images.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Unseen Media-Directories

Shopping is one thing I love to do. I go to the malls around here and at home. Of course, in a mall there are advertisements all over the place. The advertisements and types of media I do not really notice in the mall anymore are the directories and the ads that are located on them. This type of media has become unseen to me because I know where the stores I like are located therefore I do not have to use them. The directories in the mall would be the medium. The actual content is the words, images and diagrams located on the directories. The message or the purpose of directories is to make it easy for shoppers to locate stores throughout the mall. Directories also advertise movies, TV shows, and products, etc. Sometimes directories can also be located on vending machines.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Unseen Media-Billboards

After the last class, I realized I had to go back and rethink my unseen media. I thought about it and I figured out some media that I never really noticed before. Every time I drive home from school, there are billboards on two of the highways. The billboards are the medium. The actual content on them are the written words and images. The message of the billboards is to advertise products for increased sales and awareness. You can learn about the product and then they become stuck in your mind. The billboards give products appeal and it makes people go out and buy them.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Unseen Media

As I was reading the news today I noticed some of the ads. I felt like none of them applied to anything I needed or was interested in. There were ads perfectmatch.com and Home Funding. I feel the reason that I do not see this type of media, is not only because I do not read the news, but also because the ads that are shown do not pertain to a person my age.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Unseen Media

When I was asked the question, what media is not seen to me, I was stumped. After thinking about it for awhile I realized that there are lots of different types of media I do not see. The reason is because I am never exposed to them or they do not interest me. Next, I started to think further about what types of media I do not see that I have now recently started to notice, or at least want to start. That brought me to the news. The news has become a forgotten piece of media to me, along with the things around it. I never watch or read the news, whether it is on the TV, in the newspaper or on the internet. I do not notice the commercials on TV, the print ads is the newspaper, or the web ads on the internet. They are forms of the media I hope to notice in the future. I am going to start reading and watching the news. Once I have more exposure to the news, the media around it will begin to pop out at me.