Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Encoding and Decoding

As I was reading the encoding and decoding section, the part about Who Wants to Be a Millionaire interested me. I never would have looked so far into the show. All I saw was people who wanted to win money, and had a shot if they knew trivia and had a great amount of knowledge. I guess I did not watch it enough to realize that mostly American white males were on it majority of the time. I do remember when the first person won a million though. He was in fact an American white male. There might not be anything wrong with that though because if they changed the type of question for when a women or a different race went on the show that would take away from the value. I think if they tailored the questions to the certain contestant when he or she was up it would not be fair to the others. Each person should get the same type of questions no matter whom they are.

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